Native Nations

sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011

Q orianka Kilcher

Actress| Enviromental Acitivist | Keynote Speaker

Definitly that's someone who I do enjoy writing up about...It´s  awesome how such young person like her can be so accomplished to many social programs beyond her carreer and also she uses her voice, image and opportunities to help others...Q'orianka is that kind of person who knows how to make the difference in the world. The first time I saw her in The New world movie and thought so lovely and poetic the way she led her Pocahontas...I could not imagine anyone making this better than her...she speaks thru her eyes...of course right after that I started reseaching about her and it was a big surprise to me. Her projects must be spread, supported and helped by everyone who takes care of our mother earth. She is doing her best and we must do ours too!!

The text below was part copied from her own websites and as well as other sources too. Hope all my readers enjoy knowing her !!

The New World
Q'orianka Waira Qoiana Kilcher (born February 11, 1990) is an American actress and singer, she was born in Schweigmatt Germany. Her name Q'orianka means "Golden Eagle" in Quechua.
Q'orianka as Pocahontas in The New World movie

At the age of 14, Q’orianka Kilcher emerged into the front ranks of young actors with her portrayal of Pocahontas opposite Colin Farrell and Christian Bale in Terrence Malick’s The New World, an epic film about the dramatic encounter between English and Native American cultures in 1607.

                      This video was created by Avalon - check her youtube channel                                   
Her performance won her the National Board of Reviews best breakthrough performance of 2006 and the 2006 Alma Award for best Latin American actress in a feature film, as well as numerous nominations and rave reviews.

Q’orianka is not only an award winning actress with high critical acclaim, but also an accomplished Singer Songwriter and committed Human Rights and environmental activist and fearless young force, who has courageously and tirelessly used her voice and privilege of celebrity to speak out for the voiceless and many of today’s most important and relevant issues, while bring the need for universal dignity, compassion and basic human rights to the attention of the international community…

Traveling frequently to speak at youth events, colleges and Universities on issues such as, Environmental sustainability, indigenous peoples rights, corporate accountability, basic human rights and youth and woman’s issues,

Q' orianka as Pocahontas - The New World

Q’orianka has been invited as a featured keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at many international conferences and events for organizations such as Amnesty International, the IFG (international Forum on Globalization), Amazon Watch, IFIP (International Funders for Indigenous Peoples) and The United Nations -panel discussions for “Indigenous Peoples: Human Rights, Dignity and Development with Identity, in collaboration with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Q’orianka frequently lends her celebrity, voice and energy as spokesperson, collaborator mentor and supporter to several international and national NGOs and organizations .

Q’orianka was also the first Native American spokesperson for the American Literacy Campaign and works with the National Endowment of the Arts “Big Read” program, recording several Books Reviews for the “Big Read” Campaign, hoping to inspire young people to explore some of the great literature at hand.

In addition to public activism, Kilcher is a silent advocate for the environment, driving a Honda FCX Clarity, a hydrogen fuel cell zero-emissions vehicle. Kilcher is the first teenager to make her first car a hydrogen fuel cell.

Q’orianka was also the one of the first inspirations for James Cameron’s vision in creating the character of “Neytiri” in Avatar. Kilcher is a cast member of the Starring-Ensemble for the first "The People Speak" Film Series, which premiered on the History Channel on Dez.13th 2009 (Starring Matt Damon, Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, David Straithern, Marisa Tomei, Viggo Mortensen, Danny Glover, Michael Ealy and Kerry Washington. She was also one of the original cast members, volunteering her time reading Howard Zinn's “The People Speak” at various staged readings open to the community, and is part of Voices advisory board.

In her upcoming film “Princess Ka'iulani”, a film highlighting the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy and the life story of Hawaii’s most beloved peoples Princess, Princess Kaiulani, Q’orianka stars as the courageous Kaiulani who in her short years was a principled international diplomat for her Hawaiian nation.

Her website for social projetcs

Lady Bags - Social and Enviromental Program

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Virgil Ortiz

Virgil Ortiz
Fashion Designer
( Pueblo )
The first time I put my eyes on Virgil Ortiz work was through some pictures of the Spears Brothers wearing his clothing creation and I got crazy about the Revolt pendent !! As by that time I was already  envolved in researching everything about the Native World, I got to know who was the creator of that fantastic clothing line and jelwery…My first thought was : Wow..there is a stylist among them, how wonderful that!!...

John Gibbs - Indigene Collection
Going deep to his creations we can see how talenty Virgil Ortiz is, completely awesome and no doubt he deserves all recognition he has got…For me, Native people have always been very creative and amazing artists , but Virgil has taken it to a next level…his work worths too much to be seen by all of the world  as an inspiration to everyone . My task here? To spread Virgil ´s art, as well as any Native who has been making difference through any kind of art , using their talent, voice, image and strong willing to go beyond!!!

Virgil Ortiz kindly authorized me to post about his work on this blog, his biography below was copied from his website and will be translate into Portuguese soon.

Heavily sought out by celebrities, royalty, rock stars, and collectors alike, supernova American Indian artist and fashion designer is taking Native fashion to the next level. His designs are a captivating balance between the provocative, edgy, and traditional. Inspired by travel and music in his early years, Ortiz began designing clothing for his friends and family which ultimately led him to create more complex designs utilizing different textiles such as leather, latex and vinyl.

Through his formative experiences, Indigene was born. In August of 2006, Ortiz launched his stunning collection of luxury handbags, outerwear and jewelry. Earth colored suede and leather jackets and handbags bear the VO Signature Marks: Water, Sun, Wild Spinach and Secret Writing are just some of the unique and symbolic elements that create the high demand for his pieces.

Eddie Spears

This season, the Virgil Ortiz Collection blends art, culture and history. The bold and graphic images portray Ortiz’s own interpretation of the historic Pueblo Revolt of 1680 – The First American Revolution.
Crafted from organic cotton and bamboo, a renewable and environmentally safe resource, his Limited Edition T-shirt collection reveals exceptional detail to embellishments and overall imagery based on the creation of Native American superheroes Ortiz is bringing to life in his upcoming comic book series and feature film.

Picture from VO website

Hailing from a family of renowned Cochiti Pueblo traditional potters, Ortiz began creating pottery at age six. It wasn’t until around the age of fifteen he realized that what he was doing was considered art. It was at this time that he broke away from the traditional and created his own style of figurative pottery.
Drawing on the legacy of generations of family members working with clay, his daring designs honors both the old and the new. Ortiz is equally skillful working with clay as he is with video, graphic design and haute couture, notably the fashion house of New York fashion designer Donna Karan.

Michael Spears

Ortiz’s professional agenda goes beyond the wealth and notoriety of his talent. He’s intent on creating opportunities for children and his community that reflect the legacy of his ancestors as well as promoting global awareness of Pueblo culture. “I have something very important to do before I go. I want to preserve my culture and inspire our youth to accomplish whatever it is they dream to be.”
Ortiz continues to live and work in Cochiti Pueblo, New Mexico.

. “The thought has never crossed my mind to be anything other than an artist and fashion designer.

Art is in my blood, says Virgil Ortiz, a Cochiti Pueblo Native.

sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

Joseph Marshall III ( Em Português )

       Joseph Marshall III
     ( Lakota )
        Ator | escritor | Palestrante | Professor

Pra mim é uma honra poder escrever sobre Joseph Marhsall III, sem duvida alguma ele é uma das figuras mais importantes e respeitadas no cenário Nativo norte americano, além de ser um membro Lakota que valoriza a história e cultura de seu povo, levando para fora das reservas, através de suas obras a história contada pelos olhos de sua nação . Preciso dizer também que Joseph é uma pessoa que tem como missão manter e proteger a tradição de seu povo , preservando os valores Lakota.

Só tenho a agrade-lo por ter permitido que este post fosse realizado neste blog.  Sua biografia citada nesta página  pode ser encontrada em inglês no seu website.

Joseph Marshall nasceu e foi criado na reserva indígena Rosebud Sioux em South Dakota. E por ter sido criado em um lar indígena tradicional pelos seus avós maternos, sua língua mãe é Lakota. E foi neste ambiente que ele aprendeu também a tradição de contador de estórias.

Já lecionou em Universidades e hoje dedica seu tempo integral ao trabalho de escritor, tendo publicado vários livros não –ficção e romances e sendo co-autor de outras obras além de escrever vários roteiros para televisão. Vários dos seus livros foram publicados em Francês, Hebraico, Coreano e pelo menos uma de duas obras foi publicada em Português.

Joseph também participou de vários documentários e serviu de instrutor da tradição e língua Lakota em filmes. Na série televisiva exibida pela TNT  Into the West, teve a participação no papel de “Loved by the Buffalo”, além de ter feito a narração e ter sido o instrutor técnico das tradições e idioma Lakota . É arqueiro eximio, tendo conhecimento também na arte da criação dos instrumentos arco e flecha.

Uma de suas mais significantes experiências foi ter sido fundador da Sinte Gleska Universidade na reserva indígena Rosebud Sioux sendo hoje membro da sua  atual diretoria.
Muitas de suas obras receberam prêmios, e ele também desenvolve seminários baseados nas lições de liderança de Crazy Horse.

Sua obra
·        The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History
·        The Lakota Way: Stories and lessons for living
·        Quiet Thunder: The Wisdom of Crazy Horse
·        How Not to Catch Fish: And Other Adventures of Iktomi,
·        Walking with Grandfather: The Wisdom of Lakota Elders

·        The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn
·        Hundred in the Hand
·        The Power of Four: Crazy Horse
·        To You We Shall Return
·        The Power of Lakota Prayer

Rick Mora ( Em Português )

Rick Mora
Ator | Modelo

Sem dúvida alguma Rick Mora anda chamando muito atenção...e merecidamente!! Aos leitores brasileiros deste Blog ele ainda pode ser pouco conhecido, a menos que você se interesse pelo mundo nativo norte americano...e se você acabou de se interessar então está no lugar certo!!..É aqui mesmo que vocês conhecerão todos as Celebridades Nativas que estão ganhando todos os olhares do mundo...

Criação de white Wolf Native

Rick Mora é descendente indígena Mexicano, Yaki e Apache e tem conquistado muito espaço com seu trabalho como modelo e ator. Vale mencionar que Rick é uma pessoa adorável sempre disponível e amável com seu publico. Não é a toa realmente que ele vem conquistando a todos...:)

Rick Mora nasceu em Los Angeles porém foi criado na zona rural sem eletricidade e fogão a lenha...Com sete anos retornou a cidade para poder estudar e se formou em Comunicação . Sua beleza típica nativa foi descoberta pelo legendario agente de modelos masculinos Omar Alberto e logo passou a atuar e trabalhar em inúmeras campanhas comerciais no mercado americano e europeu, fotografando para grandes nomes como Carlos Reynosa, Cliff Watts e Mattew Rolston . Logo vieram pequenas participações na TV, e no mercado cinematográfico.

Rick Mora teve participação nos filmes: The dead and the Damned, The legend of Ghostkiller e recentemente esteve filmando The yellow Stone, filme que ainda não foi lançado no mercado. Infelizmente são todos filmes para o mercado de DVD´s , e sem legendas em Português...também teve uma participação rápida no elenco da série Crepusculo como Ephrain Black

Para os seguidores deste Blog, estarei sempre atualizando as noticias sobre Rick Mora , vamos acompanhar de pertinho o sucesso deste descendente yaki-apache !!

Vale lembrar que como pessoa adorável que é, Rick Mora me autorizou a postar sobre ele e traduzir parte de sua biografia que se encontra em seu website.

" Sou uma pessoa comprometida em tornar meus sonhos realidade "
Rick Mora

Tatanka Means ( Em Português )

Tatanka Means
( Lakota-Navajo)
Ator | Modelo| comediante | Palestrante

Na minha opinão Tatanka Means é uma das celebridades mais talentosas e mais legais do Núcleo Indigena Norte Americano. Não posso deixar de citar que sua atuação na série Into the West, no papel do líder Crazy Horse foi simplesmente maravilhosa, tocante e profunda. Seu trabalho com certeza cresce a cada dia rumo ao infinito..Vamos lá Tatanka!!

copiado de Avalon-medieval.blogspot
Tatanka Means, filho de um dos mais importantes ativistas indígena e também ator Russell Means,  é da Nação Sioux Oglala Lakota, Omaha e Navajo. Ah sim, uma curiosidade, Tatanka significa Búfalo no dialeto Lakota.

                                                 Tatanka Means as Crazy Horse in Into the West

Começou a atuar cedo, com 7 anos de idade e em 2003 trabalhou como duble no filme Black Cloud, o que o inspirou a seguir adiante com a carreira de ator. Quando não está atuando Tatanka trabalha no desenvolvimento de sua própria marca de roupas- Tatanka Clothing .

Com o grupo 49laughscomedy, atua brilhantemente no seu mais novo projeto, stand up comedy, se apresentando por toda a Nação Nativa Norte americana, sendo muito aclamado entre eles.  Outra faceta de Tatanka também é se apresentar em palestras com temas motivacionais e conscientização das pessoas com relação a drogas, suicídio entre os povos indígenas , sendo assim um líder e modelo para a juventude indígena.
Sua ambição e perseverança o tirou de sua reserva para viajar por todo o país.

 Segue a filmografia de Tatanka Means!!

“Mohican Child” ( no núcleo infantil Moicano )
Twentieth Century-Fox/ Michael Mann

"BRIDGE CENTURY" Supporting  ( como suporte )
Classic Media/ Curt Geda

Lead Stunt ( dublê )
Old Post Films/ Rick Shroeder

“Crazy Horse” Supporting Lead ( No papel de Crazy Horse )
Dreamworks/TNT/Michael Watkins

“Slipping Weasel”-Supporting Lead ( Núcleo comanche no papel de Slipping Weasel )
Paramount/ Simon Wincer

“Tall Ute”-Supporting Lead ( No papel “tall Ute )
Lions Gate Films/ J.T. Petty

“Nookau” Supporting Lead  ( No papel de “ Nookau )
WGBH/PBS/ Chris Eyre

"Young Fighter" Guest Starring  ( como ator convidado )
USA Network/ Michael Zinberg

"Oscar Altsoba" Guest Starring ( Como ator convidado no papel de “Oscar Altsoba )
ABC/Disney Julie Ann Robinson

quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011

Joseph Marshall III

Joseph Marhsall III
I am completely honored to have the opportunity to blog about him. As a researcher about Lakota History and being considered a simple "outsider" is such a blessing for me to have someone like him willing to share his wisdom and clarify my doubts so kindly as he does.

He is a GREAT writer and hopefully at least one of his books has been published in Portuguese. Soon I´ll have more about Joseph Marshall III here!!!

( the text below was copied from Joseph Marshall III website under his authorization to be translated into Portuguese for Brazilians readers soon )

     Joseph Marshall III was born and raised on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Because he was raised in a traditional native household by his maternal grandparents, his first language is Lakota. In that environment he also learned the ancient tradition of oral storytelling.

    Joseph taught at the high school and university levels, and developed curriculum as well. Now he writes full time, having published six nonfiction works, and one novel, and was contributing author in four other publications; and has written several screenplays. Several of his books have been published in French, Hebrew, and Korean.

    In addition Joseph has appeared in several television documentaries, served as technical advisor in movies, and had a role in a major television network movie. In 2005 he was a technical advisor and narrator for the Turner Network Television (TNT) and Dreamworks six-part mini-series Into the West, as well as playing the on-screen role of “Loved by the Buffalo.” He is also a practitioner of primitive Lakota archery, having learned from his maternal grandfather the art of hand crafting bows and arrows, and is also a specialist in wilderness survival.

    One of his most treasured and meaningful experiences was to be one of the founders of Sinte Gleska University (1971) on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation. He is one of the Charter Board Members.

    His sixth book, The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History (Viking Penguin) is a biography from the Lakota viewpoint of the greatest Lakota warrior, based primarily on oral accounts. It is now in its fifth hard cover printing. The book has been featured twice on the C-SPAN Book TV broadcast. The book which preceded it, The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living (Viking Penguin, 2002), is now in its fifteenth printing.

     In March of 2005 he released Quiet Thunder: The Wisdom of Crazy Horse, a six-part audio teaching series, and in May, How Not to Catch Fish: And Other Adventures of Iktomi, a children’s book. Also in 2005 he released Walking with Grandfather: The Wisdom of Lakota Elders, a book and audio CD combination, both of these works are from Sounds True Audio; and the unabridged audio version of The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living was released by Blackstone Audio Books.

    Five more books are due for release in 2007 and 2008. His eighth book, his third for Viking Penguin, entitled The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn, is due out in May of 2007. Joseph’s second novel entitled Hundred in the Hand, based on the Fetterman Battle of 1866, will be released by Fulcrum Publishing, Inc. of Golden, CO. Two books are forthcoming from Sterling Publishing Company of New York, one is a book on leadership entitled The Power of Four: Crazy Horse on Leadership, and an ethnographic survey of the impact of the natural environment on native North American cultures, entitled To You We Shall Return, is due out in 2008. I Send My Voice: The Power of Lakota Prayer will be published by Sounds True, Inc. of Boulder, CO in 2008.

     In the spring of 2005 the audio version of The Journey of Crazy Horse won the Audiofile Magazine Earphones Award. In June of 2004 the abridged audio version of The Lakota Way won the Audio Publishers Award (“Audie”) in the Best Spiritual/Inspirational Category. In November of 2003 it won Best Spoken Word from the Native American Music Awards (“Nammy”). In 2002 the hard cover print version was a finalist for the Creative Non-Fiction Award from PEN CENTER USA, and also in the Spiritual category for the Books for a Better Life Award from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of New York City. In 2000 he became a Fellow in the Sundance Institute States, the New York Open Center among them, and has also traveled to Sweden, France, and Siberia. He is currently associated with Tigrett Corp. of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania as a lecturer in leadership seminars, and has developed a leadership seminar based on the leadership lessons of Crazy Horse.

Joseph Marshall III website:

(  I could not forget to thank a wonderful blogger friendship for having this post here today: Thank you so much Avalon for your kindness and support !!! )

Rick Mora

Rick Mora
Model | Actor| Photographer| Producer film-music

No doubt Rick Mora is calling attention...and he does deserves all the best!! I should say that I am from Brazil and here there are no Natives shinning on TV, Music or films,  eventhough we are a land of indian descendant... so it´s pretty cool When we can see Natives  as him doing so well ... ( should say here he is a very gentle, kind and truly wonderful person...that´s the meaning of being a STAR !!! ( Thank you Rick for being so atentive and lovely to me..).

( the text below was copied from Rick Mora website under his authorization )

"Planted in the womb of my mother, a seed from the Sun. Grandmother Yaqui, Grandfather Apache of Mestizo descent. Born in a field of corn called Los Angeles but raised on a 100 acre farm with no electricity and a wood burning stove in Crescent City, California..............

Acting and Modeling soon followed when I was discovered by legendary Male Super Model agent Omar Alberto.

2009 Native American Men Calendar

It was Omar who visioned the native man in this business of entertainment...... Having successfully shot with great photographers like Carlos Reynosa, Cliff Watts and Matthew Rolston allowed access to the American & European commercial & modeling market.

picture created by White wolf Native

I then had some moderate success booking commercial & print accounts like Toyota, Wilson Leather and Anson’s. Small spots in Television, Film and Voice soon followed."

" I am a dreamer committed to bringing my dreams to reality"
Rick Mora


segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011

Tatanka Means

 Tatanka Means
Actor | Model | Speaker | Businessman

photo by Larry Price
 In my opinion he is one of the coolest guy and tatenly actor into the Native  American  scenarium nowadays .I can not forget his appearance in Into the West as Crazy horse, no doubt the Director/productor chose the right person to play that role!! Though, Tatanka is more than this, as a comedian he is hillarious...( If you aren´t  lucky enough to watch his show personally you can see the videos at youtube ) Does anyone have any doubt about his talent?? I don´t think so. He is just 25 with a successfull carreer, heading up to the sky!! Way to go Tatanka...!!  (  just have to say that Tatanka has allowed me to blog about him :))

The text below was copied from his official website  to be translated into Portuguese soon.

Tatanka Means is from Oglala Lakota Sioux Nation, Omaha and Navajo Nation.
Tatanka Means is an accomplished actor who has starred in the sweeping six-part TNT mini series created by Steven Spielberg, Into the West. His role as one of the most influential Indian leaders, Crazy Horse, earned him high praise in the stellar cast of Native American actors – one of the largest ever assembled..

Tatanka as Crazy Horse in Into the West

Tatanka began acting at seven years old his with his first acting experience on the set of The Last of the Mohicans. In 2003 Tatanka stepped back into film as the lead stuntman for Rick Schroeder’s film Black Cloud. This opportunity inspired him to pursue a career in acting.

After his role in the Emmy winning mini-series Into the West, Tatanka was cast on Comanche Moon for CBS by Simon Wincer. Following Comache Moon he landed a role in the Lionsgate horror western film The Burrowers directed by J.T. Petty, which went on to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. Tatanka then traveled to Boston, Massachusetts where he shot, We Shall Remain: After The Mayflower a series for PBS directed by award winning director, Chris Eyre.

Since then Tatanka has landed some great guest starring roles on hit TV show's including In Plain Sight on USA and more recently ABC's Scoundrels.

Outside of acting, Tatanka has developed his own clothing line called, Tatanka Clothing. His shirt designs are proving to be one of the most popular styles in Indian Country as well as internationally. Article reviews on the clothing line are earning high marks among fashion publications.

49 laughs comedy

Stand-up Comedy is Tatanka's most recent endeavor. This young comedian is busting guts and smiling laughing faces all over North America! His comedic style of humor is leaving audiences wanting more. Tatanka has now been performing stand up comedy all over Indian Country at Casino's, Conferences, Colleges and Schools. He is also a member of the talented and popular comedy group 49 Laughs Comedy.

Tatanka has currently been giving speeches around the country at universities, schools and conferences. He has spoken on a variety of topics, ranging from motivational speeches, suicide awareness, Indian youth empowerment & self esteem to Hollywood stereotypes of American Indians in film.

Tatanka’s ambition and perseverance has taken him from his home on the reservation to traveling across the country. He has become a much-needed role model for all American Indian youth.

copied  from

His filmography:

“Mohican Child”
Twentieth Century-Fox/ Michael Mann

Classic Media/ Curt Geda

Lead Stunt
Old Post Films/ Rick Shroeder

“Crazy Horse” Supporting Lead
Dreamworks/TNT/Michael Watkins
“Slipping Weasel”-Supporting Lead
Paramount/ Simon Wincer

“Tall Ute”-Supporting Lead
Lions Gate Films/ J.T. Petty

“Nookau” Supporting Lead
WGBH/PBS/ Chris Eyre

"Young Fighter" Guest Starring
USA Network/ Michael Zinberg

"Oscar Altsoba" Guest Starring
ABC/Disney Julie Ann Robinson