Here is a list of great movies, series and documentaries which can help you out to know the Native history. I´ll update this list as soon as I get to know new productions..
Uma pequena lista de ótimos filmes, séries e documentarios que podem ajudar a conhecer um pouco a história de algumas nações indígenas norte americana.
The last of Mohicans
Dance with wolves
Geronimo – An American Legend
Black cloud
(this video was made by )
watch it and you will fall in love with Black Cloud!!!
Trail of tears - Cherokee Legacy
Older than America
Rez bomb
Bury my heart at wonded knee
( this video was made by )
Comanche Moon
( this video was made by )
Good day to die
Crazy Horse
The broken chain
The New world
( this video was made by )
Into the west
This is the best serie I´ve ever watched..The way that Lakota nation was portraited in it is awesome, enchanted and sad..sad as the true history is..
Ai está, a melhor série que já assisti em toda minha vida, conhecer a história dos Estados unidos, pela primeira vez retratada pelos olhos da Nação Lakota, simplesmente Fantástico.
that´s a video that can be found at youtube made by Avalon-medieval, stunning work!!
Assistam ao video feita pela Avalon-Medieval, nem o trailler oficial da série
ficou tão bom quanto este!!
Documentaries ( Documentários )
We shall remain
500 nations
The trail of tears – cherokee legacy
Indian warriors ( history channel )
Incident at Oglala ( The Leonard Petier story )
Cangleska Wakan
Really cool blog! I am so excited about your new blog, there are so few Native blogs out here. I wish you the best and if you need any pointers, you can email me at I have a Lakota blogger buddy and I will tell her about your blog. She will be happy to read your work.