Native Nations

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012

Yellow Rock - The Movie

This blog, as everyone already know is a open place to spread all good news about Native American people. Some of them are our beloved movie stars and I love to follow their work to show it here, eventhough it´s not a fan blog. BUT Try to remember that these loved native actors came from a nation, they do not ONLY play indian roles in films as they are indians ( and this is wonderful!! ) so I ask you all to learn about them, where they came from, to understand who they trully are. Though, I totally understand that we all get so fascinated by their stunning look that we can forget the history behind them, but I can assure you all that once you can learn more about them, you will surelly love them much more....( If it´s )

Blogging about film productions which we can have history about native american people besides being a movie/entertainment is also a very important task for me because I trully believe that through entertainment we can reach another I hope everyone have fun with this post and If you understand what I mean, go beyond!!!

                                                     ( Official trailler of Yellow Rock )

Many new movie productions are about to be released this year . Movies which some of our loved native actors are in. One that I believe is going to have a blast is Yellow Rock, and once I have not watched it yet ( saddly ) I am gathering some hints that really makes me believe it will ...rock!!!

Hint number one: The movie has already taken part of some festivals and got many deserved nominations and awards:

- WINNER - Best Actor
Michael Spears
Red Nation Film Festival 2011

- WINNER - Best Director
Nick Vallelonga
Red Nation Film Festival 2011

- WINNER - Best Picture
Red Nation Film Festival 2011

WINNER -Best Supporting Actor
Michael Spears
American Indian Film Festival

NOMINATED - Best Supporting Actor
Zahn Mc Clarnon
Red Nation Film Festival 2011

             Watch now a delightful interview of Michael Spears for "behind of scenes "

Okay, Now that you probably clicked on it hundred times just to hear Michael´s voice , let´s go

Hint number two??? The movie has in its casting both Spears: Michael Spears ( as Broken wing ) and Eddie Spears ( as angry wolf ) - both Lakota /Sioux Nation - Tell me something you all,  Any movie with these two brillant talents is certainly a success ( okay, there is no need to mention how gorgeous they are ) Right choice!!!..In my point of view it was more than a choice, it was an inspiration....

 Eddie Spears is also in Hell on Wheels serie, which is showed at AMC TV( another production where he is stunning and brillant ). Well, it seems our stars are defenitely reaching the sky, and they do deserve it!! I just can not wait to see them in yellow rock!!!

Oh yeah! I can not forget also to mention another wonderful Native talents who are part of the casting of the movie, as Rick Mora, Zahn MC clarnon, Sam Bearpaw among others .

Hint number three? Lenore Andriel - Despite of she is not Native American I felt I had to mention her here because she is a great part of this project ( besides she is awesome !! ) - She plays Dr. Sarah Taylor in Yellow Rock and not only working as an actress in it she is also one of the filmmakers, writer and plot of the movie and I personally have a feeling that it will make ALL the difference for this production....

 I kindly was allowed by her to link here her interview for behind of scenes of yellow rock, and all I could see in it was a great sensibility and passion for native american history and people. Everything made with passion and sensibility become GREAT, that´s why I really believe this production will reach the top.

I am here wishing a great success for all Yellow rock 's crew and of course, when its released to the market I will let you all know it!!...( hope sincerelly that it comes to my country market with Portuguese subtitles - filmmakers please, get my

Please, check out their webiste to get much more information.

You all also can visit their fan page on facebook where there are always some updates and behind of scenes :)))